Kate Beckinsale: Ive never actually had an entire glass of anything alcoholic

Despite my better judgment, I still really like Kate Beckinsale. My affection for her is a lot like my affection for Kate Hudson. I feel like both women are good at staying in their lane, not complaining and not trying to prove that theyre so serious and put-upon. Beckinsale is great at social media and

kate shape

Despite my better judgment, I still really like Kate Beckinsale. My affection for her is a lot like my affection for Kate Hudson. I feel like both women are good at staying in their lane, not complaining and not trying to prove that they’re so serious and put-upon. Beckinsale is great at social media and she works consistently, surprisingly enough. She’s currently promoting Underworld: Blood Wars, and I still don’t understand how and why they keep making these Underworld movies, but there you go. Kate covers the January/February issue of Shape, and she says some interesting things about fitness and diet.

How she keeps her 43-year-old bod in shape: “I work out hard with Gunnar [Peterson] five or six times a week. I do circuit training interspersed with brutal cardio, such as crazy things on a nonmotorized treadmill. That part is torture. But the thing I like about circuit training is that you’re never doing one thing for very long. You get to the point where you almost can’t bear it, and it changes to something else. I start out absolutely dreading it, do an incredibly punishing workout, bitch about it the whole time, and end up feeling 100 percent better when I leave. Working out is basically nature’s antidepressant.”

She used to be a yoga fanatic: “I love yoga, and that’s all I used to do, but hard-core workouts have really made a big difference in my life. I have a lot of internal energy, and intense exercise helps me channel that energy. I find balance by doing a workout that makes me pour sweat. I never was that girl before, but I am now.”

She eats clean & doesn’t drink:
“[My 17-year-old daughter] Lily and I eat clean—we have a lot of sautéed vegetables like brussels sprouts and broccoli and chicken and fish. Also, I don’t drink alcohol. I feel [its effects] very quickly, so I’ve never actually had an entire glass of anything alcoholic.”

[From E! News]

It’s possible that Kate just has an undiagnosed intolerance to alcohol, which happens with a small segment of the population. I rarely drink these days and I noticed a huge change in my body, my sleep patterns, my mental health and my general mood once I quit about five years ago. I quit because I was tired of hangovers and empty calories, and I would recommend that everyone try to go dry for a few months just to see how it changes everything in your life. That being said, I bought some wine coolers following the election, and I did drink ONE wine cooler the day after Donald Trump became PEOTUS. I suspect that I will find more “reasons” to get my booze on in the coming months. But I’ll try to stay strong. I also agree with Kate about working out being “nature’s antidepressant.” It’s so true!

Now, all that being said… Kate’s tweaked face makes me so sad. When she tried to speak at the Critics’ Choice Awards in early December, you could really see how Botoxed and filler’d she is. She doesn’t need all of that crap!



Photos courtesy of WENN, cover courtesy of Shape.

