Rapper Rick Ross has been trending on social media after being spotted with a woman in some pictures and videos. According to The Shade Room on Instagram, the mysterious woman was 27-year-old social media star Cristina Mackey, popular for her Instagram posts related to modeling and lifestyle.
Mackey also shared a post through her Instagram page on December 11, 2023, where she was featured along with Ross. The caption stated:
"Use it as motivation."Cristina Mackey's lineup started with a photo of her and Rick Ross hugging each other with a black aircraft in the background. This was followed by a close-up picture of the duo's hug and a video where they held each other's hands. There was another video where Ross and Mackey shared a toast.
The post's comments section was flooded with best wishes from the pair's followers. Entrepreneur Danielle Farrakhan, who also serves as the president and CEO of My Personal Physics, wrote:
"You two always look so genuinely happy and that makes me genuinely happy."Rick Ross has five children from his previous relationships
Rick Ross has gained recognition over the years for his successful career as a rappеr. Howеvеr, his pеrsonal lifе has also rеmainеd in thе spotlight duе to his lеgal problems and rеlationships.
In 2002, Ross became the father of his first child, Toie Roberts, with Lastonia Leviston, as per Briefly. The 21-year-old owns a boutique with a collection of extensions, dresses, jumpsuits, and other items. His second child, William Leonard Roberts III, was born in 2005 to Tiallondra Kemp. William is pursuing his career as a footballer at his high school team.
Rick Ross reportedly started dating Briana Camille in 2016, and they welcomed their first child, Berkeley Hermes Roberts, the following year. Ross and Camille became the parents of two more children, Billion Roberts and Bliss Roberts, born in 2018 and 2020, respectively.
Rick Ross and Briana Camille allegedly split in 2019. Ross was ordered to pay child support worth $8,500 to Briana, as per Black Sports Online. Ross was also told to pay Briana's attorney fee, which was said to be $40,000, and $23,337 for other expenses.
Cristina Mackey has built a successful career as a social media star over the years
According to Famous Birthdays, Cristina Mackey spent her childhood in Denver, Colorado. She started sharing pictures on her Instagram page in 2013 and has accumulated around 256,000 followers on the social media platform.
Most of Cristina's social media posts feature her posing at the gym alongside other outdoor locations. In April 2023, she released a song titled War and shared a post related to it.
"Dropped a song today! War – It's means the world that you guys love my videos but I feel it most in my heart when you guys ask "where's the music" thank you for that," the post read.Further details related to Mackey's educational background, career, and personal life are yet to be revealed.
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