According to former WWE Superstar Chavo Guerrero, Chris Benoit punishing The Miz back in the day was "definitely warranted."
In his WWE 24 documentary, The A-Lister opened up vividly about a backstage incident involving Chris Benoit. The Rabid Wolverine wasn't happy with The Miz eating chicken and dropping crumbs all over his bag.
Benoit clarified that he couldn't use the locker room to change. The punishment lasted for about six months before The Undertaker reversed the same.
Former WWE star Chavo Guerrero recently weighed in on the controversial incident and had the following to say about it:
"You’re listening to his version. The punishment was definitely warranted."The Miz spent those six months changing in the general bathroom
The two-time WWE Champion was banned from the wrestlers' locker room before The Undertaker reversed the punishment about six months later.
The Miz was forced to use the hallway or even the general bathroom for the entirety of those six months.
“It was almost like I was taking the chicken and just throwing it in the locker room and just smearing it all over the place and all over the stuff. That’s what I felt like, and I’m appalled. I am like, ‘I am so sorry, I did not mean to do it. I’m just trying to do the right thing here.’ And he goes, ‘You are not allowed to dress in our locker room. I think you should just stay out of the locker room,'” Miz recalled. [H/T The Sports Rush]Chavo Guerrero received tons of flak from WWE fans for defending Benoit's behavior. However, a few agreed with the former ECW Champion and believed the punishment was justified.
What do you think? Was Benoit way out of line when he banned The A-Lister from using the locker room? Sound off in the comments below.
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